Anaya Quarles
Owner - KCKosmetics LLC
To Start my Name is Anaya Quarles and I am A 18-year-old entrepreneur and owner of the one and only KCKOSMETICS LLC. I started my business back in 2019 as I was just a sophomore In high school. I didn''t know what I wanted to do, I just knew my life was destined for something greater than it was at the time. I tried A range of multiple skills from hair, to nails to makeup, and FINALLY found my business zing when I started SKIN CARE & COSMETICS. Fast forward, as the years passed I’ve gone through enough trial & error, business events, radio show interviews, and rigorous business competitions to share KEY gems that lead to personal success and achievement within myself and my business. I want to inspire those ages 13-18+ that they can do it too, not just with the basic knowledge by diving deeper into what it means to have a business.
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