Having run a successful Web Development agency since 2001, Zamir Cajee, decided to take “An extreme Pivot” by launching his own tech accessory brand on Amazon Marketplace in June 2013. iQTech was born with a brand promise of intelligent quality technology. Zamir believes forward thinking is key, and the business has grown by doing, not procrastinating. The business values efficiency, relying heavily on automation in critical areas, drawing from Zamir’s developer background. “Every decision we make is based on data…That Is not to say we have removed intuition, we simply augment our decision making with data, to improve our success rate.” The approach has proven very successful. In 2016 iQTech successfully raised capital using equity crowd funding platform Seedrs. With a valuation in excess of £3million they met their target in just 4 days and closed the funding round early with 170% of their target raised.