Ziggy Huang
Source from China Ltd and Llc
When he was young, he saw successful, highly professional people dressed to the 9’s in high fashion overpriced suits and thought to himself he wanted to grow up to be just like them someday, until he found out that they all worked for that guy in flip flops and cargo pants, then he want to be HIM.
He doesn't have a training or service to sell, nor does he have a fancy app that will make you a million bucks. All he has is a story to share – How his wife made $4 million on Shopify in a year, sold out for another $2 million, and all he got was an eBike! (and not even a fancy one).
All this from sourcing from China!
So, take off that tie, slip on your shorts, grab a beer (or coffee) and come hear his story at Global Sources Summit!
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