Adam Posner
Founder - The Point of Loyalty
Since 2013, he has commissioned and authored ten in-depth Australian and New Zealand customer loyalty and loyalty program research studies ‘For Love or MoneyTM’ Adam has designed and deployed loyalty, reward and membership program strategies and research for organisations operating in retail (various), hospitality, hotels & holiday parks, financial services, leisure and entertainment, trade and education.
Adam is also the author of one of Australia’s only practical book on loyalty programs – ‘Give- back to Get-back – 9 steps to a profitable loyalty program’. Adam has presented on customer loyalty and loyalty programs at the Customer Identity Conference – Singapore 2018, Australian Pharmacy Conference 2018, Loyalty World, The Customer Show, ADMA Forum, ADMA Retention Marketing, Customer TECHX Show, Clarinden Global Faculty Director for ‘Designing High Impact Customer Loyalty and Retention Programs’, No Vacancy Accommodation Conference and DM Forum.
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