Dvir Cohen
CEO - Ez-commerce.net
Born 1975, married + 3 lives in Rishon Le-Zion, Israel. Dvir has always been a computer geek with over 30 years of experience in the computer world, including over 12 years in e-Commerce. In 1982 he became one of the founders of "The Joker" BBS - and starred on A-List. He holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics from Ben-Gurion University and during his studies was a technology reporter on a number of newspapers and magazines in the high-tech world at the time. Dvir has written over 150 kindle e-books, among them the children's book Leo SuperHero and The Hunt, now on Amazon Kindle Store. He also trades in hundreds of OA, PL items, together with entrepreneurs and trading companies on Amazon and e-commerce. Dvir is one of the founders of the largest trading community in Israel - "Amazon be-Click" and CEO of EZ Commerce - which give e-commerce business solutions to Entrepreneurs and business companies. Dvir and his team have a lot of experience in trading on Amazon platforms and others like: Jet,Rakuten, Souq, Wallmart and more.
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